Key to WebTrac Icons
The Cart button with a green plus symbol will add the selected item to your shopping cart.
The Cart button takes you to the screen where you begin the process to add the selected item to your shopping cart.
The Cart button with a red minus symbol will remove the selected item from your shopping cart.
The Cart button with a yellow warning symbol means the item is not currently available for purchase. Hover the mouse over this icon to get an applicable notice message.
The Building icon will display location information.
The Dollar Sign icon displays the fees for the item.
The People icon displays enrollment counts and information.
The Information icon displays the descriptive details for the item
The Images icon will display a photo of the item if available.
The Map icon will display the location of an item on a map, using either Google Maps or Mapquest.
The Clock icon allows you to check the availability of the item.
The Chart icon allows you to check the schedule and standings for a league.
The Wishlist Icon with a green plus symbol will add the item to your wishlist.
The Wishlist Icon with a red minus symbol will delete the item from your wishlist.
The Wishlist Icon with a yellow warning symbol means that the item cannot be added to your wishlist.